Published on March 10, 2023

蒙特利半岛社区医院增加了机器人助手,以提高临床效率并支持护理团队 First hospital robot of its kind in Northern and Central California


Contact: Monica Sciuto (831) 622-2756

Communication and Marketing: (831) 625-4505

Monterey, Calif. 蒙特雷半岛社区医院今天宣布增加机器人助手,以支持临床医生在医院的多个领域为患者提供最高质量的护理. 社区医院是加州北部和中部第一家部署机器人助手的医院,这样临床工作人员就可以专注于他们最擅长的事情:病人护理. Using machine-learning technology, the robots, named Moxi, 使用一组传感器来绘制医院地图,并有一个机械化的手臂来导航多种类型的门,包括门, including those that require badge access. Moxi helps with non-patient-facing tasks such as fetching supplies, delivering lab samples, picking up medicines from the pharmacy, and more, improving overall clinical workflows and efficiency. Its estimated nurses spend nearly one-third of their time getting supplies, 因此,自动化这些任务使他们能够在训练和技能方面达到最高水平,并花更多的时间与患者在一起.

“我们很高兴向我们的员工介绍Moxi机器人,并期待它们成为我们团队中有用的一员,为我们的员工提供支持,” said Deborah Sober, Vice President of Nursing. “我们寻找一种创新的方式来支持我们的员工,这就是为什么我很高兴看到实施的推出. In just the first couple of weeks since Moxi was introduced to the staff, 我们看到它对我们员工的效率和整体心理健康产生了积极的影响.”

由于全球网络赌博平台基金会的资助,Moxi机器人车队成为可能. “Supporting our nurses and clinical care teams creates a better work environment, and better care for our patients,” said Kevin Causey, Vice President, Montage Health Foundation. “来自社区的慈善支持使基金会能够支持像Moxi这样的临床创新, 我们很高兴看到这项新举措已经为我们的护理团队和患者带来了改变.”

Moxi was designed and created by Diligent Robotics, 一家开发人工智能的机器人公司,使机器人能够与人类合作并适应人类. “What we have seen is that nurses, especially during the pandemic, 他们的工作时间很长,并且可以花费惊人的30%的时间来获取和收集物资,” said Dr. Andrea Thomaz, co-founder of Diligent Robotics. “That’s a lot of time spent away from patients, 所以我们把Moxi设计成护士和医护人员的完美伙伴. We want Moxi to be a capable, useful teammate that supports, not replaces, valued nurses and hospital staff.”

Designed to be compatible with the busy, semi-structured environments of hospitals, Moxi’s core technical features include:

  • Social intelligence: opens elevators and doors on its own, won’t bump into people or objects in hallways, even poses for selfies
  • 移动操作:Moxi可以与医院现有的环境进行交互,例如符合美国残疾人法案的门和电梯,从而在不需要大量基础设施投资的情况下访问整个设施
  • Human-guided learning: The more staff uses Moxi, the more Moxi learns and adapts to your environment and way of doing things

社区医院护理部主任费斯·梅里亚姆说:“医疗保健实际上是关于人的. “在我们的临床领域,任何利用技术和创新的资源,让护士在床边花更多的时间,都让我们回到了我们最初选择这个职业的原因, to care for patients.”

The robots’ first official day on the job is Wednesday, March 15. 有关社区医院Moxi机器人助手的更多信息,请访问



Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, established in 1934, 已成长和发展,以直接响应不断变化的医疗保健需求,它所服务的人. Its parent company is Montage Health, 共同努力提供卓越护理和激发对最佳全国网赌正规平台追求的实体的保护伞. 社区医院是一家非营利性的医疗保健机构,拥有220张急症护理病床和28张熟练护理病床, delivering a continuum of care from birth to end of life, and every stage in between. 它通过包括主要医院在内的地点为蒙特利半岛和周边社区提供服务, outpatient facilities, satellite laboratories, a mental health clinic, a short-term skilled nursing facility (Westland House), Hospice of the Central Coast, Montage Wellness Centers, and business offices. Find more information about Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula at


全球网络赌博平台基金会是一个非营利组织,激励和协调对蒙太奇全国网赌正规平台慈善支持. 全球网络赌博平台基金会通过拨款支持蒙太奇全国网赌正规平台工作, volunteerism, 与社区成员和志同道合的组织建立慈善伙伴关系. Find more information about Montage Health Foundation at